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off shore artinya

contoh kalimat "off shore"
  • I'll have everything off shore in a month.
    Akan kudapatkan semuanya dalam satu bulan.
  • I can put her down in the water just off shore.
    Aku bisa mendaratkannya di air dekat pantai.
  • They were 100 miles off shore when he went overboard.
    Mereka 100 mil lepas pantai ketika ia pergi ke laut.
  • Fring had all these secret off shore accounts.
    Fring punya rekening rahasia.
  • Off shore, of course.
    Lepas pantai, tentu saja.
  • As you can see, there are Indonesian ships only just off shore. Malcolm Rennie.
    Seperti yang Anda lihat, ada lndonesia kapal baru saja lepas pantai.
  • Weather satellites they're currently tracking 3 off shore water spouts over the pacific ocean.
    Satelit cuaca sudah melacak adanya 3 di lepas pantai di lautan Pasifik.
  • ? Dam Gates ? Submersible Pumps ? Hydro-Electric Surfaces ? Off Shore Structures
    ? Gerbang Dam ? Pompa Celup ? Permukaan Hidro-Listrik ? Struktur Off Shore
  • So, I gotta ask, what the hell was she doing out there, a mile off shore?
    jadi, aku mau tanya, apa yg terjadi di luar sana, bebrapa mil dari pantai?
  • Water Resisting? Dam Gates ? Submersible Pumps ? Hydro-Electric Surfaces ? Off Shore Structures
    Tahan Air ? Gerbang Dam ? Pompa Celup ? Permukaan Hidro-Listrik ? Struktur Off Shore
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3